Harmful effects of Sugary Drinks

*Harmful effects of Sugary drinks*

Sugary drinks (also categorized as sugar-sweetened beverages or “soft” drinks) refer to any beverage with added sugar or other sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, fruit juice concentrates, and more). This includes soda, pop, cola, tonic, fruit punch, lemonade (and other “ades”), sweetened powdered drinks, as well as sports and energy drinks.

Did you know?

1. Drinking large amounts of sugary beverages can increase the risk of gaining weight and developing diabetes, heart disease, increased risk of cancer and joint problems.
2. Sugary beverage intake is significantly associated with weight gain and obesity.
3. Women who drink one or more sugary beverages daily have almost twice the risk of developing diabetes as those who drink less than one sugary beverage daily.
4. A child’s risk of becoming obese increases by 60% with each additional sugary beverage consumed daily.
5. Children who drink carbonated sugary beverages have almost double the risk of dental cavities.
6. Drinking just one 20-ounce bottle of a sugary beverage per day can result in gaining 25 extra pounds per year.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020 recommends only 12 teaspoons of added sugar a day. The American Heart Association recommends even less: that men limit themselves to nine teaspoons of added sugars per day, and that women limit themselves to six teaspoons per day. In either case, one sugary drink a day puts you at or over the recommended level.

Here are some easy ways to reduce sugar consumption:
>Find out how much sugar is in your favourite drink.
>If you're ordering a fast food meal, don't go with the default regular/sugar soft drink, see what other options there are. For kids, see what else is on offer, or just ask for water.
>Carry a water bottle, so you don't have to buy a drink if you're thirsty.
>If you're thirsty, have some water first.
>Beware of any health or nutrition claims on the drinks you buy. Many producers are now trying to make their sugar sweetened beverages sound healthier than they actually are. Refer to the amount of sugar on the nutrition panel if in doubt.
>Try to avoid going down the soft drink aisle at the supermarket and beware of the specials at the checkout and the service station.
>Eat whole fruit instead of drinking fruit juice

For schools and workplaces
✓Review your canteen menu and vending machine contents and remove any high sugar content soft drinks. This includes energy drinks, sports drinks, cordials and flavoured mineral waters with high sugar content. Replace them with reduced-fat milk drinks or water.
✓Look at the price of your low-sugar options, could you make them more appealing?
✓Make sure you have plenty of drinking taps and encourage children/students to use them regularly throughout the day, especially during the warmer months.
✓Encourage children/students to bring their own water bottle to school or workplaces and refill throughout the day.
✓Educate students and adults about the health impacts associated with sugar drinks

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Tags:   ##ChildSpecialist,  ##Gtbnagar,  ##MukherjeeNagar,  ##NorthDelhi

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